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Entries in Social Workers (1)


LILAC 2009 - IL for Social Workers 

Clarissa Hunt (Open University)
Investigating the perceived value of information literacy skills for social workers 


Clarrisa’s presentation was about the OU’s Social Work degree and the IL strand within it which targeted 3 strands of practice learning. Of the students that took the stands (compulsory in Wales but not in England or Scotland) 60% of the 1st level students felt it was a benefit to their course and 62% felt it added value to their practice. Once they were in 3rd year the benefit to the course rose to 63% and 78% felt it added to their practice. 90% said they would use IL in their work and 92 % said they would use it in further study. It was a small sample and they are now following up on these students who graduated in 2008.

This was the only workplace related presentation I attended although project partners Jenny and Lesley (Scottish Government Library and Information Services) did a parallel session on Government Information Literacy in the ‘century of information'  I had heard their presentation before so I was excused.