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Entries in scottish government library (2)


Paul Gray member of the Scottish Information Literacy Community of Practice and his 23 (more) librarians blog posting - includes his information literacy training role at the Scottish Government  

I thouroughly enjoy reading the 23 Librarian blog posts and now the 23 (more) libraians. if you haven't read any then I would highly recomend them. The last posting is from Paul Gray who currently works as a librarian for the Scottish Government 

When he started in the Scottish Government Library he joined the training team at the same time, and says he was "glad of all that user education experience as information literacy has now become very much a central part of my job – delivering our training materials with my training team colleagues". Paul and the team have been doing some interesting working including developing online courses. Along with the Head Librarian he developed a rolling 10 week online self-directed course called 10 Things. it is based on the 23 Things CPD programme. 

Paul is an active member of the the Scottish Information Literacy Community of Practice and I've got to know him but discovered all sorts of things from the posting that I didn't know before. Thanks for sharing with us Paul.  


10 Things

What is 10 Things?
10 Things is an online self-directed course developed by the Scottish Government Library. The aim is for you to spend a little time each week developing your social media and information searching skills.

Each week we’ll post details about one or more of the tools from our 10 Things course and encourage you to try them out and reflect on them. Our aim is to present a realistic challenge that you can fit it into your schedule.

10 Things is based on the original 23 Things course which ran at the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in the USA in 2006.

When does it start?
The next course will start on Tuesday 6th May 2014.

How can I join?
You can sign up for the course here. Places are limit to 50, so please do not post this link to networks or mailing lists.

When the course starts you’ll receive an email welcoming you to the course and the first ‘thing’. Then each Monday thereafter you’ll receive email notification of that week’s ‘thing’. The course will last 10 weeks as you’ll receive 1 thing a week. Once joined you can access 10 Things here.

How does it work?
Each ‘thing’ will be published and archived on our 10 Things Yammer group. Only course participants will be able to access the group. Please note that the course content is designed for Scottish Government staff – though we hope you can apply it to your own personal or professional use.

Each ‘thing’ will include some set activities for you to try, and you’ll be asked to submit your learning outcomes or any questions to our 10 Things Yammer group. If you haven’t used Yammer before, don’t worry – we’ll cover that in week 1.

How much time will it take?
We estimate you should allow half an hour a week to go through that week’s ‘thing’. We understand participants will have different working patterns, so you can choose when in the week to spend time on 10 Things. Though we do encourage you to complete each thing by the end of each week.

Course programme
Week 1
Introduction, overview of social media, Yammer

Week 2 RSS and dashboards

Week 3 Blogs

Week 4 Twitter

Week 5 SG & social media, SlideShare, Prezi, Creative Commons

Week 6 Secure collaborative tools – Knowledge Hub, SharePoint, Huddle, Collaborate, Government Communication Network, Lync, OneNote

Week 7 Non-secure collaborative tools – LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Google Drive

Week 8 Searching skills – Go Google!, Google Scholar, eLibrary subject pages, KandE (Knowledge and Evidence), IDOX, Knowledge Network

Week 9 Social bookmarking and social citation

Week 10 Alerts and current awareness tools