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Entries in iinformation literacy strategy (1)


International literacy day and the importance of libraries in promoting all forms of literacy

I must confess I missed international literacy day but catching up on my emails today I see that CILIP's Guy Daines wrote a piece on the day to stress the importance of libraries in promoting all these forms of literacy international literacy day: the library's role in promoting literacies

In it he says that

"It reminds us that promoting and sustaining literacy is one of the critical roles of libraries. Our strength lies in the fact that we are really about literacies, all those skills individuals need to participate effectively in an information society. Reading ability may be at the centre of this but digital and information literacies are also essential life skills of today and underpin lifelong learning. Libraries provide a holistic approach embracing all these literacies (and often others such as health or financial literacy) and so help equip the citizen, consumer, employee and learner of today."

He highlights that "CILIP is focusing on digital inclusion and also information literacy in the workplace through its Information Literacy Project, chaired by CILIP President, Barbara Band. But it is conscious of the interdependencies between the various literacies and the need for them all if people are to engage effectively in today’s society."

it is always good to see Scotland getting a mention and recognition of the work we have been doing and Guy does this.

 "Wales and Scotland are both a step ahead with their respective national information literacy strategies." There is also mention of the Society of Chief Librarians in England who have apparently developed the four public library universal offers – reading, digital, health and information".  Need to have a look at the later when I have time.