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Entries by Marion Kelt (9)


Presentation at ECIL2017

Scotland was well represented at the recent ECIL2017 conference, with myself, John Crawford, Bill Johnston and Kirsten McCormick (hope I got that right Kirsten!) all in attendance. I was presenting the highlights from a book chapter I have written which gives a checklist of eight main things to consider when you are writing or adapting an information literacy online resource. It would come in handy for any type of online resource actually! Here is a link to the slides  - but better still, buy the book! It is called Distributed Learning: pedagogy and technology in online information literacy instruction, edited by Tasha Maddison and Maha Kumaran, Chandos. Enjoy!


SMIRK (the wee mobile SMILE) now available on Jorum

For a while I have been worried that SMILE, our online information literacy and communication skills package, is not very mobile friendly. Evidence shows that our users at GCU are now using a wide variety of mobile devices, so I have upgraded SMILE and renamed it SMIRK. I also added a short section on copyright to reflect the new updates to the laws.

SMIRK is available for all to use (no login needed) at

However, if you'd like your own copy to customise for your own needs, it is now available on Jorum at You can update it using any web editing package.

If you have any questions, or would like the files supplied directly, just get in touch at and I'll be happy to help.



Version 2 of SMIRK now available

Version 2 of SMIRK (the wee mobile SMILE) is available now at with auto text resizing and easier navigation. SMIRK is the mobile version of SMILE, GCU's information literacy and communication skills resource. Enjoy! I’d welcome any feedback and suggestions!Marion Kelt, GCU


SMIRK a new information literacy resource for use with mobile devices

SMIRK is now live at

SMIRK stands for small mobile information literacy realworld knowledge. It is an information literacy and communication skills resource developed especially for use with tablets and smartphones. It is developed from SMILE, but has simplified content and structure. SMIRK is completely free for everyone to use and has no login.

Please have a go! I would really appreciate your feedback (contact on the content and usability of our new resource!


Marion Kelt


Free coPilot one day training event on open educational resources at GCU

Hi everyone,
I’m pleased to be able to tell you about our upcoming coPilot event at GCU on 12th February.

This workshop will give a practical introduction to OER for teaching information literacy. Though a mixture of presentation, group work and hands-on activity participants will learn to find, evaluate and consider adopting OER for use in their own practice. 

Participants are invited to identify opportunities where OER can enhance their current teaching and to bring their own materials along to the session to release as OER.

At the end of this session participants will:

  • Gain an overview of Creative Commons licencing and be able to add a chosen licence to a resource
  • Be  introduced to the OER repositories to find existing resources and to add their own
  • Reflect on personal attitudes and behaviour in relation to Open Practice 

 A free sandwich lunch and drinks (non-alcoholic, don’t get too excited!) will be provided. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

The booking information for the Glasgow event is now live on Eventbrite.

Please feel free to pass on this email to everyone in your address book!