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Entries in Google Generation (1)


The 'Google generation', the young people who have become so hooked on the web and computer games that they are unable to think, study and concentrate! 

Thanks to Ian McCracken and Philip Graham from Govan High School for alerting me to a Radio 4 interview about the Internet, the Google generation and the rewiring of brains - available until Thurday 19th March 2008 via BBC iPlayer Transcript also available at  

 The interview is described on the BBC iPlayer as follows:

"Kenan explores the reality behind the stereotype of the 'Google generation', the young people who have become so hooked on the web and computer games that they are unable to think, study and concentrate.

This characterisation is motivated by genuine concerns that heavy use of the internet and computer games are actually rewiring the brains of young people. They are learning and thinking differently to their forebears in a massive technological and social experiment. Kenan investigates these concerns and asks Stephen Fry, among others, whether the rise of the digital generation should be a cause for celebration or concern.

Broadcast on: BBC Radio 4, 8:30pm Thursday 12th March 2009
Duration: 28 minutes
Available until: 9:02pm Thursday 19th March 2009"

In addition to Stephen Fry, there are other familiar names like Tara Brazabon interviewed.  


As Philip Graham says:"This i-player programme is fascinating. I would recommend that you make some time to listen to it.  It poses a very serious questions about the internet and its resources creating either a very smart generation, a very dumb generation or a generation with a whole new way of using their brains to which we cannot relate.

For my part, I found it quite challenging as I found value in all the arguments. "